Baby names details about Lilyana:

Lilyana Originunknown 
Lilyana meaning 
Lilyana name popularityStatistics for Lilyana as boy name:
Lilyana was in last century Top 1000 for 0 times.

Statistics for Lilyana as girl name:
Lilyana best rank was 472 in 2011.
Lilyana was in last century Top 1000 for 10 times.
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This is the detail page and contains Lilyana meaning - Lilyana boy name - Lilyana popularity.
The Lilyana name popularity is based upon statistics over the top 1000 popularity list. Basically here you'll find this informations:
the overall best position (and the year).
how often Lilyana name was in top 10 or how many times it was in a particular rank position
and how many times that name was in the Top 1000 Popularity list.

If Lilyana name is used for either gender, you will find statistics for both boy baby name and girl baby name usage.

Remember you can add or remove Lilyana name to your personal favourite names list (browser must accept cookies).

You can also try wikipedia for Lilyana name meaning

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