Welcome to Baby Names!

Hi! Let me introduce our new web site.
One of the most difficoult questions that future parents will have to answer is "What's the right name for our baby?".
Have you ever thought that the name that you choose for your baby will accompany him forever?
So, the "name quest" is something that will change the life of your baby. Every day, every hour someone calls you by your name...so be careful and choose the right name for your child.
Here comes babynames.it... if you are in doubt or if you just want to know the meaning of one name, we hope to be able to help you: we offer some tools the can help you in the right choose of the baby name.
There are so many internet sites about names... but... many are huge lists of exotics, uncommon or foreign names.
Here, instead, you will find only 100% American baby names. Our Baby Names list is based upon data from Social Security statistics of births in US since 1900. So our baby names list is made of
100% American Popular Baby names!
Getting started with our site:
Use the menu on the right to access to various sections of BabyNames.it. The first section (just under the "baby names" writing) contains all you need to browse our baby names list.
Search Baby Names you can specify some criteria (name, sex, name origin) to search in our database.
Boy Baby Names or
Girl Baby Names links you can browse names alphabetically.
Top 1000 Popular Baby Names you can access our full statistics about American Births since 1900.
Each name you find in our database has a detail page with the origin of the name, the meaning and our unique "name popularity" statistics. You can know when a specific name had his best ranking over the US Social Security top 1000 names list since 1900, you can know how often that name ranked #1, #2 etc.
The Latest tips from BabyNames.it:
Choosing a baby giftPosture and back ache during the pregnancyHow to prevent child over weightAbout breast milk
You will find soon many other
tips about your baby and pregnancy!
Come back soon!